My title

Drone Photography – Learn & Film the Best Aerial Video Shots

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Not Enrolled (287 places remaining)
99 GBP
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In this course I will teach you to master the 9 key drone shots for any commercial or personal project. These 9 drone shots are called many names, but I demystify all the jargon and buzz words.

When you have completed this course you will be able to recognise plan and fly all of these shots to a professional level.

I have over 5 years experience flying drones for TV media and commercial clients. I am regarded as an expert in this field but I am always learning new ways to improve every day as tech gets better.

I am also a drone instructor and have trained over 3,000 students from beginner to advanced level and camera people in the use of drone cameras before they went to Antarctica and Rwanda.

This course consists of 40 lessons with over 6½ hours of content.

There are video case studies of drone footage I filmed for 6 TV Programs filmed in the UK show for six international broadcast clients.

These case studies are made up of 156 TV drone Clips I filmed on set with a total run time 112 minutes at 12 locations.

The TV shows were broadcast in the UK, Japan, German and Italy with my Sky Sports drone footage shown throughout Europe to an audience of over 150 Million.

I have dug into my archive and put together 200 clips of the 9 essential drone shots with a run time of over 200 minutes covering many different subjects and landscapes.

We take a dive deep into intelligent flight modes that are the most powerful two lessons on the course.

This will allow you to learn by watching real world examples you can then copy and replicate.

I will teach you to work smarter, better and give you clarity. This course will help you visualise and then bring that vision to life to make the most out off every flight and battery.

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