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Drone School Warwickshire Training in August

Stratford Manor on the outskirts of Stratford upon Avon set within 21 acres of excellent grounds is the venue for Drone School Warwickshire.

For our drone school at the hotel on the Saturday 26 August the flying field was perfect.  The weather was sunny and with little wind the conditions were ideal for flying.

There were some unusual flying hazards for the student to consider.  There was a powered glider that was sharing the airspace with us in the morning and afternoon.  The glider was flying at between 500-1000ft but was very quiet so spotting was very important.  The student dropped the drones down to our flying field when we saw the powered glider.

Stratford Manor offers a real sense of space, the reception, bar, restaurant, health club, meeting rooms and all of the 104 bedrooms are contemporary, light and airy, creating a warm welcoming atmosphere throughout the hotel.

Just off the M40 and only a 5 minute drive from Stratford-upon-Avon, it is a very easy for our student to find.

Student had a great time, here is a 360 panorama of the flying field at the back of the Stratford Manor.

Drone School UK offers basic drone training courses  at six locations in the UK.

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